Club |  Guests |  Hosts |  Associates |  Events |  Express |  History

Oxbridge Dining Club Hosts

We do not follow any particular regulations or committee structures.
All interested are invited to organise Oxbridge Events and Dinners.
Oxbridge Host are Awarded Oxbridge Blue Stripes

by World College Oxbridge and a personal
email address →

If you would like to host a an Event in your area please do!
Oxbridge Dining Club, Oxbridge Express & Oxbridge Associates
with its Crest, Colours, Rules, Cards & Oxopoly are in
public domain with a general no strings attached policy.

If you liked the Oxbridge Journey, know of other popular Oxbridge
games or want to share other Dinner / Party Games online, we
would appreciate your feedback at →

Oxbridge Dining Club

Regular Oxbridge Event Hosts are further awarded a:

Membership of World College Oxbridge
Camford Greens 7, Oxbridge, Webwideworld

We encourage all Members of World College Oxbridge to wear
Scarf/Colors/Stripes of Your College/University at all Events.

Oxbridge Crest & Colours

World College Crest & Colours

Oxbridge Dining Club & Oxbridge Associates do Not Represent
or under any Control of any of the 4 Oxbridge Universities.