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Ice-Breacker Ranks

for multile events through the year ...

Observer   Helper   Mediator   Optimist   Reformer

Adventurer   Maker   Developer   Strategist   Manager

Executive   Self Employed   Retired   Hosts   Plot

Combination Rooms, Variations
and Rank Examples

The Rules of the Game are very flexible and you may redefine
any Room, Rank or Suit According to your own Plot, that can
be adopted to anything from Company Merges & Dating Events
to Book Discussions & Theatre Classes. Here are some general
Examples for Ice-Breaker, History and Mystery Dinners:

Ice-Breaker Ranks

For Groups of People who don't know each other.
Please adopt any Rank / Pattern to fit your Group.

MCR - Masters Combination Room

Plot   Hosts   Retired   Self Employed   Executive

JCR - Jokers Combination Room

Manager   Strategist   Developer   Maker   Adventurer

SCR - Social Combination Room

Reformer   Optimist   Mediator   Helper   Observer

History Ranks

If your Plot uses History Ranks it makes sense to limit your Event
to some Time and Place e.g. England past 800 years, or more narrow if
you are using costumes. All Guests choose their own Real Character
from History (or Current World) and have to know: The Birthplace,
School Years, Profession and Place of Education, First Job and
most important Citations or Achievements ...

MCR - Masters Combination Room

Underworld   Writers   Kings   Queens   Royals

JCR - Jokers Combination Room

Poets Philosophers Artists Musicians Generals

SCR - Social Combination Room

Revolutionaries Discoverer Priests Scientists Others

Mystery Ranks

Below are Dining Club Express Ranks used in Berlin.
Please note, that all cards are chosen by personal
preference e.g. a Guest over 50 can play any rank/suit

MCR - Masters Combination Room

Jokers – Knights of Ox e.g. Artist, Writers, Joke-Traders
Ace – Sages of Ox e.g. Guests aged 50 or more
King – Kings of Ox e.g. Man aged 40 or more
Queen – Queens of Ox e.g. Woman 40 or more
Jack/y – Princes of Ox e.g. Strategist, Hosts, by Plot

JCR - Jokers Combination Room

Strategist   Maker   Adventurer   Helper   Observer

SCR - Social Combination Room

Citizen  Guard  Agent  Mafia  Ghost

Combination Ranks
Fiction, Literature, History, Mystery

Historic Mystery Dinners do not work with Strangers,
but are arguably the most fun, since you play it with
people you already know and everyone is playing a role
Tip: Adopt the Cards to suite the Plot of your Dinner.

MCR - Masters Combination Room

Arts & Music   Writers   Kings   Queens   Royals

JCR - Jokers Combination Room

Poets Philosophers Scientists Priests Generals

SCR - Social Combination Room

Discoverer  Guard  Agent  Mafia  Ghost

Oxbridge Express Cards ⇒ Cards